Not-So Good Vibrations
Apologies to Brian Wilson for the title. So, en route to Edmonton in Tallulah, my amazing 1985 Camry, the old girl began a rather volent and disconcerting shimmy. This had been happening for a while, but only when drivg at speed near 130-150 kmh. That being the case, I just haven't driven as fast as normal. But, past Fort Macleod, the shaking continued below 120, and even down to 90 kmh. So I realized that perhaps my alignment is fuxored ( as the kids say), and realized that 9 hours of highway driving in the next 48 was probably not a good idea. So, I am now back in town, and having given my regrets to those who I had intended to see, I know find myself struggling with finding something to do in this god-forsaken town . Well, not exactly God, as Lethbridge is at teh confluence of a few flavours of Bible Belts as well as the source of another. But, suffice to say, there's a lack of things to do if oyu don't enjoy going to one of 3 smoky nightclubs to see the same people who you didn't really talk to in high school, as wellas their younger siblings. Fortunately, there are a number of decent little pubs. The problem with pubs, is that you need to go their with people you already know, and almost all my friens from Lethrbdige are all either no longer residing here or are elsewhere for the summer. Guess they have better sense than I. Its not a total loss, as hopefully me an JP will shoot some pool, which i am far, far too rusty at. But, thats gonna be it. Can't drink if driving, and its not fair to ask him to come to the other side of town and pick me up to go to a bar two blocks from his house.
Bah, another weekend scuttled before leaving port. Que Sera, Sera.
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